Wednesday, October 16, 2013

21 Random Facts

A lot of bloggers have done the 50 Random Facts Tag, so in honor of today being my 21st Birthday I am going to share 21 random facts about me!

1. My body runs off Dr. Pepper & hot chocolate
2. Holidays are a huge deal to me, big or small
3. When I was young I threw myself off the monkey bars in an attempt to break my arm so I could get a pretty cast, luckily I failed. My Mom made a fabric cast for me to wear that could be drawn on & rewashed after I covered it up
here I am wearing it, don't laugh I'm a 90's girl

4. I hate walking into dressing rooms immediately after someone & their smell is still lingering. I don't care if it smells good or bad, I hate it
5. On my 16th Birthday trip to New York we missed the flight home & slept in the airport
6. After watching Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory I put my gum behind my ear like Violet did and ended up having to cut my hair off
7. I am obsessive compulsive about even numbers
8. I can quote almost an entire movie word for word after only watching it one or two times
9. My Daddy is a preacher
10. After college I like to think about moving to a different city, maybe country, for one year
11. I hate foods that most people love (cheese, donuts, bbq, ham, turkey, & biscuits)
12. Wedding shows are my addiction
13. If I my phone dies I panic & imagine the worst possible scenarios
14. I have hiding spots throughout my house in case of emergency
15. I am equally as scared of cats as I am snakes
16. I've had reoccurring dreams since I can remember
17. When I was in elementary school I had a role in the Young Black Stallion movie but overslept and missed my shoot time
18. I can finally say I am on good terms with everyone who has hurt me in the past, it's a good feeling
19. My idea of a job that I could wake up each morning happy & excited about would be a videographer (specifically for weddings!)
20. My favorite thing to do is just get out of town, whether it's 30 miles or 300
21. I have spent the past hour trying to think of one last fact...

❥ Lauren

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