Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Liebster Award & Update!

So I feel the need to address my lack of blog posts here lately. I have made the decision to create a YouTube channel & have been putting all my focus into that. However I am still in the process of playing around with my camera settings & other things before I can really get into the swing of things. Anyways, until I have my channel running steadily I will continue to blog : ) feel free go go ahead & subscribe to my channel by clicking here!
Yay! A Pinch of Glitz and Glam has nominated my blog for the Liebster Award : ) basically this is an award for bloggers who have a smaller following, but a lot of potential. 

The rules of the award are as follows:
• Mention the person who nominated you with a link to their blog.
• Answer the eleven questions they asked.
• Nominate eleven other bloggers with a smaller following but a lot of potential.
• Create eleven of your own questions for them to answer.
• Notify your nominees!

Here are my answers to A Pinch of Glitz an Glam's questions!

1. Why did you start blogging?
I danced with the idea of creating a blog for maybe a year or so & finally took initiative after it was requested by a few friends that I make one. 

2. Who is your blogging “idol”?
Easy question, Sarah Vickers from Classy Girls Wear Pearls.

3. What do you think is this seasons biggest trend?
GOLD! & I'm totally on board!

4. What is your go to shoe?
My go to shoes for the winter season are my Melissa Button Frye boots, I wear them whether I'm a hot mess or best dressed!

5. What is your favorite color lipstick?
I think wine colored lip products with a blue undertone suite me best. 

6. If you could go into any show at fashion week which show would it be?
It's a tie between Tory Burch & J. Crew.

7. What is your favorite piece of jewelry?
 This question gives me anxiety because how do I choose just one? I guess it would be my gold & tortoise shell chain link watch by Michael Kors. 95% of the time it's on my wrist, the other 5% I am sleeping or showering.

8. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
Maine, because I feel like Maine is me reincarnated into a state. 

9. Most coveted statement piece this season?
I'm on a major Louis Vuitton kick, but deciding on a style for my first one isn't so easy.
10. Favorite food?

11. How would you describe your style?
I would desribe it as classic & conservative with just a touch of New England prep. You could ask the same question a month from now & that may change : )

I nominate

My questions for you ladies:

1. What is one major goal you have for your blog?

2. How do you style leggings?

3. If everything was free for a day what would be your first purchase?

4. What is your most embarrassing wardrobe malfunction?

5. What would be your dream internship?

6. Who is your blogger style twin?
7. What is your favorite type of blog post?

8. How do you unwind after work?

10. Share one makeup tip!

11. What was your favorite trend of 2013?

1 comment:

  1. Congrats!! Thank you for nominating me! I love reading your answers! Japanese is my favorite too. Hibachi! And I would also be so torn between J. Crew and Tory Burch at Fashion Week!

